Livestream Date : March 27th, 2022 at 10:00am CST
Introduction: The copper condenser is one of the components of our keg still build series. The condenser is what cools the alcohol vapor and turns it into a liquid state after it has been distilled and separated from the wash.
Description: In this shine-a-long we will be constructing the condenser from all copper parts. Some soldering will be required.
Copper condenser parts list
Bellow is a list of all parts and materials you will need the day of the build. I have provided Amazon links for all the items not easily found at your local big box hardware store..
24" long - 1" copper tube
This piece will be the outer jacket of the condenser. You should be able to locate this at your local hardware store.

36" long - 1/2" copper tube
This piece will be condenser tube that carries the alcohol to the exit. This also should be easy to find at your local hardware store.

12" long - piece of 3/8" I.D. copper tube
This will be used to create a stub for the 1/2" tubing to attach to. You will be able to get this at your local hardware store.

2 - copper 1" x 1/2" x 1/2" Tees
These pieces will be used to create the framework for the inner 1/2" copper tube to run all the way through the 1" copper jacket. These pieces may be hard to find locally. I ordered them from Amazon.

2 - copper 1/2" x 3/8" reducers
These will be used to attach the stubs to the copper tee for the tubing to attach to. You should be able to find these at your local hardware store.

1 - 1/2" 90 degree street elbow
This will be where the condenser attaches to the copper column. It will allow for the angle of the condenser to be adjustable.

Copper Condenser Tools List
Tools needed:
Hack saw or pipe cutter to cut copper tubing
Soldering torch
soldering flux
lead free silver solder
emery cloth
4 in 1 wire brush
File or rotary grinder
I will see you on March 27th, and we will finish building this keg! Stay tuned!